Short Love Messages for Her or Him

Short Love Messages

Sometimes in love sending short love message often to your love ones, makes the relationship more effective and lively. Here at theDivest we believe in gathering most unique love, relationship, friendly, and romantic text messages and quotes. please go through these highly skilled written short love messages.


You are the one drop of the ocean that caught my heart, the one grain of sand from the beach that touched my soul.

I always had a secret wish in my heart… it came true, as you lit up my life like nobody else could.

I just want to walk the path of life with you, all the way to the end of that journey.

You showed me what true love means, what real affection feels like, what blissful sensations are… you showed my life’s real meaning.

I was lost, stumbling without reprieve in the darkness, restless… then you showed up. Everything changed.

Your aura is like the sun that shines only inside, in the deepest parts of my heart.

I want to keep yelling to the world how wonderful you are, how happy I am with you!

I wait with silent passion for just one glance from you.


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All my hopeful dreams of the past don’t even come close to the reality of you.

Just one short message to you: You are my everything, I give you all.


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Some credit goes to: lovemessagesfromheart

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